Online Money Making Site

Create Your Own Website for earning

If you are a good programmer in PHP, html, Joomla, wordpress, etc then you can customize your website for earning money. You can design your website as far as you know.

But those who are not good at programming and website design don't worry there are some oportinuty for them. Well i am doing this free content costomize for myself and these features are working well for me. So i think you can also create your free website and make some money from it.

> Create free blogsite:

Blogging means to create an website and post your article in it. If you want to earn money then create free blogsite, costomize it, write your fevourate topics and place advertisement on your website. If some one see your website and feel some suitable add to click then your earning will start. That's how free blogsite works. You can create free blogsite in blogspot,wordpress,squido,weebly etc.

Among them blogspot is the most popular. Blogspot is google content and you can place google add in your blogspot sites. You can also place google analytics, place adsense add, adsense for feed,adsense for search etc. So if you are new create an website in blogspot. Create an account in is free and easy only you need to have an Gmail account. Put your Gmail account when sign up in

After create an account in costomize your template, post an article, place adsense add, Google search, Adsense for search. etc. Your earning will be start whenever anyone click adsense add in your webpage.



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